Thursday, July 23, 2009

Grandma Vi

She told me, "I'm ready to see Dad (my Grandad who died about 10 years ago)."  I said, "Oh Grandma, but we are not ready for that."  She said, "I know."  Her soul was ready and her body reluctantly followed suit.  It seems like for most people it is the other way around--there bodies go and their soul follows.  I really was not ready yet to give up another grandma this year.  I was not ready to say good-bye to traditions that she was the center of in our family.  I was not ready to see my dad grieve, not only for her, but I am guessing re-grieving my Grandad.  I was not ready to not be able to walk through their jungle (as my sister Sharon used to call it) of a backyard again.  But here I am holding on to memories and thinking of her getting to finally be with my Grandad.  I do not know if that is how it works, I hope it does. 

Violet, you lived a full life and I will miss your sassiness and undying love for us!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Jenny... I am so sad for you. I am thinking of you and praying for you and your family. We love you!!