Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine Box

I loved Valentine's Day in elementary school. I could not wait to make my Valentine Box and handing out Valentines to my classmates, was always a proud moment. It did get a little stressful in 5th and 6th grade when I was worried boys would think I liked them, so I was VERY selective.
Ryan and Henry began the tradition together of writing out class Valentines. Henry wrote his own secret message and Ryan wrote Henry's name. Henry took this job VERY seriously. He had his favorite Disney characters on the Valentines he handed out. I loved this and so did Henry. Here's to many more years of Henry letting us help him the night before his Valentine's Day Party.

1 comment:

Lydia Henry said...

Oh, my most special boy! As much as he is so serious, he is so like his mother. He loves to torment his cousin but never holds a grudge when Zane gets upset with him. I watch him move it, move it, move it and think of the special birthday card Jenny's Uncle Henry made her on her birthday, one where it looks like she is spinning. We laughed so hard thinking how appropriate that he thought of this pose for Jenny.

This is so Henry Ethan. Moving from one spot to another at a speed faster than lightning.

You are so special Henry.
