Sunday, November 15, 2009

More Lights, More Lights!

You are reading right, we put up our Christmas Tree today. It is never too early in my book. Also taking into consideration that we are leaving the day after Christmas to go to Oregon and we are losing a whole week to enjoy Christmas decorations in our home, I do not feel one bit too early. I also put up my village.
This is our first Christmas to put up our own tree in our own place. I loved loved loved looking at all of my collected ornaments. Mostly red and white and rod iron. Ryan had some red and white bulbs (or balls, if you will) that matched nicely with what I have put together over the years of shopping the after Christmas sales.
Is it real you say? Of course not. Trees in AZ last about 1.5 weeks, but it is a Douglas Fir, to remind us what we would have in Oregon. Speaking of Christmas Trees in Oregon (the Christmas Tree Capitol of the World), stay tuned for a blog about the fallen Christmas tree. I cant wait.

Henry kept saying, "More lights!" after I would take out a strand.
Boy after my own heart!
Henry did not want to wear the tree skirt...hmm?
Hi sweater ornament, you finally get to be put on a tree!
Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!
Ryan doing the dirty work, so I could do the fun part

Get ready to turn on the lights!
Wow and that is only half of them!
I had tons of tear drop white lights from my wedding (that I never used). I was so excited to use them. I think they look great!

I love you think there are enough lights, be honest.


Glory Laine said...

So much fun to find out you blog. I know we only met a few times via my sister Elisabeth but you were such a great influence in her life that I am forever endeared to you. Merry Christmas!!!

hi! my name is Lora. said...

Balls...I will.