I know, I know...I never blog anymore.
But it is 11/1/11 and I wrote it down as much as I could today, because I love lines and dates that look neat.
And it is time to be thankful so here is thankfulness #1
1. I am thankful for my Bunco group. I love them, we rarely play bunco anymore, but i don't even care. I love them. They care about me. They care about each other. And I love them.
Tonight was my one year anniversary at Bunco. This group makes me want to be a better woman, friend, mom, wife and couponer. I threw that last one in because I secretly idolize Kari Lovely and her skills.
I wish I had a picture of our whole group, but I do not. I just have a warm feeling in my heart (and it is not just the peppermint schnapps in the hot chocolate--thank you Stacy) and I love how I feel when I leave...and that is full. Full of love, full of laughter spent, full of knowledge, full of warm food, full of joy
full of thankfulness for a God that would allow me to know these women...I hope I get to know you forever.