Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Thankfulness and a great date

I know, I know...I never blog anymore.

But it is 11/1/11 and I wrote it down as much as I could today, because I love lines and dates that look neat.

And it is time to be thankful so here is thankfulness #1

1. I am thankful for my Bunco group. I love them, we rarely play bunco anymore, but i don't even care. I love them. They care about me. They care about each other. And I love them.

Tonight was my one year anniversary at Bunco. This group makes me want to be a better woman, friend, mom, wife and couponer. I threw that last one in because I secretly idolize Kari Lovely and her skills.

I wish I had a picture of our whole group, but I do not. I just have a warm feeling in my heart (and it is not just the peppermint schnapps in the hot chocolate--thank you Stacy) and I love how I feel when I leave...and that is full. Full of love, full of laughter spent, full of knowledge, full of warm food, full of joy
full of thankfulness for a God that would allow me to know these women...I hope I get to know you forever.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Our baby is 4 and clearly not a baby. He is a big boy and big brother. His teachers say he makes friends easily. He loves ferociously. He is fast and brave. We love you Henry Boy and excited to celebrate YOU...

Henry wanted a Pinata...I think it is supposed to be a monster, but can we pretend it is a dinosaur for the sake of the party?
We were so excited Tricia could be here!

and down he went at the hands of My My
get it Max!
those Dusenbery boys

there it went

Mom, Dad...what is that green thing??!?!?
Pinata goof-balls
I wonder who this is from
New Skippy John Jones!
Will loves Henry's new bike!
Thanks for coming Sister
Henry & his Beaver Friends telling Uncle Michael how it is
Thanks Family & Friends for making Henry's Fourth Fantastic

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Beaver Believers

O...S...U...Oregon State...Fight! Fight! Fight!
We started the day with a tailgater with the Edelbrock Clan
and were later joined by the Hills.
PS: we got to Corvallis by 9:30 and the game didn't start until 1:00--
I am still getting used to all of this game day stuff
Will landed on his bottom-now he knows not to mess with the Edelbrock girls
I love this picture

Edelbrock family picture time
Here let me help
We were all a little dusty. Reminded Jamie & I of living in Arizona.
(Jamie & Eric also lived for a couple of years in the dust bowl.)
We ran over to make it to the Beaver Walk (when the team comes off the bus). So fun, we especially like watching Coach Riley come off the bus
We love Mike Riley (he is in the khaki)...such a class act
Benny had been waiting for Henry, see how he is running over to us

Henry was loving standing next to Benny; Will was excited until Ryan handed him over.
(dont judge my grammar)
We left early, it was HOT! And the white boys were melting and we all know this mom does not like the temperature to rise above 78 degrees.
The Beavers felt the heat too I guess, but we are still