I have a guilty pleasure...laundry
I have always loved laundry mats
Ryan does not do laundry, because I have a certain way
It is relaxing to me
My dream was to one day have a front loading, high efficient, energy star washer--and dryer to match if possible. I had been patiently waiting for ours to die--the dryer was in hospice care already, but the washer was trudging through
Last Sunday was the day...Happy Father's Day to ME
I like to go to Best Buy and peruse the discounted "out of the box" section of the large appliance department. Out of the Box is when people get an appliance home and they do not fit or there is a scratch (our fridge was on sale because of a scratch--thank you very much picky person)
And there they were, begging & pleading for me, Jenny Gelbrich, to take them home.
After a great sales pitch of how much they were going to save us in energy and water and someone else looking at my babies over my shoulder, we made the plunge.
We HAD to also buy the pedestals, because they were part of the "out of the box" package. I do not have to even bend down...what? Yes, we will be paying on them for a while, but we need them right?
I had a hard time not wanting to watch the whole wash cycle on my first load. Am I allowed to thank Jesus for these? Thank you Jesus that they did not fit in the house of the person who bought them first.