Saturday, May 30, 2009

It is not summer yet say the zoo people

We thought we were very smart for getting to the zoo early AND there were tons of spots up close and by trees (very important in AZ in the summer). We got there a little before eight to see the gates were closed and were remaining closed until 9:00am. I guess the summer hours do not begin until June 1st, one assumes it is summer when it is 100 degrees. We decided to get a quick breakfast and come back. Henry was yelling, "ZOOOOOO, I wan go to da zoo" all the way to the car.
We came back, it was warm, but fun!

Thanks Lou Lou for treating us to a great day!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Let them SWIM

I have two boys in my class that come everyday. They are full of joy and energy and let's just say full of need. In different ways these boys have caused my heart rate to escalate on a daily basis, but have also caused my heart to break on a daily basis. We do a combined parenting technique that I call Love and Logic meets Supernanny--except of course these kids are not MY kids and they are not the only kids they are 2 of 14 that all need love and attention all day.

So today, the day that I have been selling my kids all week, WATER DAY! As I was walking out the door with 12 bathing suit, towel toting two year olds, my co-teachers says, "I am nervous." I said me too, but I was also excited and I felt prepared. As we go outside the kids eyes are like dinner plates. I guess one girl said to her mom as she saw the water slide being inflated, "Mom, I am going to have an AMAZING day!" (She is 2) We get outside and there starts a REALLY fun time of splashing and sliding and of course being cold and wanting to get in and out of the water. It was close to perfect fun for all of our kids.

At the end of our time, we tell the kids to go to their towels, of course my to boys that I talked about in the beginning did not get out right away. And I did something I never do and that is LET IT BE. The other kids did not mind and I thought they could use a few more minutes of swimming and sliding off their energy. I sent all of the other kids in two at a time to get their clothes on and have some freetime in the classroom (with the other teacher). Finally I was down to two kids on their towels and two boys in the pool. I sent the two kids in and told the boys to get out, but at the last minute, after the two other kids went inside, I told the boys "one more slide" and I got in with them (and slid down the slide even though I was probably over the weight limit). What a moment for us. I mainly love these boys everyday, because God loves them and he reminds me just how much he loves them and how much they need love and how I am the adult. But today I loved them because I wanted to, because their joy reminded me of how things are supposed to be for kids (and adults). And even though one of them told me "I HATE YOU" about and hour later because I would not give him a bandaid, I still went home loving him. I got a glimpse of the unconditional love of God today and I am going to savor it all weekend. Because it feels good to love even when you are "hated."

Friday, May 22, 2009

Movie & Popcorn Friday Fun Day

Henry is so excited!

On Fridays, Henry gets to take a bath early and sit with mommy & daddy eat popcorn by the fist full and watch a movie (yep frying his brain).  Tonight we are watching CARS.  These pictures do not capture how stinkin' cute he is right now.

He mainly loves to cuddle with his parents and yell at the TV.

Monday, May 18, 2009

There Goes Another Rubber Tree Plant

I LOVE seeing Ryan working with my dad
I do not know anyone who works harder than my dad.

Henry's Tree
(mainly because it is the hole he fell into yesterday and I want to tell the story over and over until Henry hates me)

5 Citrus & 2 Sisu
We need shade in a bad way.
Thanks Grandad!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Just Like Mom

Henry may look like his daddy, but there may be some of me in him yet...
We watched it back with him a few times and Henry thought he was hilarious...just like mom.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


It's been a long time since I have been home for Mother's Day...

Some have asked, "Which one is the mom?"
The Other Mothers (Aunties)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thanks Family

Best Birthday Present this year:
Just kidding these cousins and aunties are my best present:
I have to do everything my cousin does

Thanks everyone for the scrumptious dinner and great company.  Thank you Liz for slaving in the kitchen and for my cake.

I had a great weekend and birthday day thanks Henry & Ryan!